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Keep This Coupon
Lottery Ticket
Montgomery Ward Hammer
Tortoise-shell Shades
Broken Candy Cane Dreams
Travel toothpaste
Pink Pearl Eraser
Do Not Eat
Elmers Glue
Two $2 bills
Fall Colors
Half-baked Inigo Montoya Joke
Bicycle Cards
The Sharpie & the Carpenter Pencil
Paints from and for Laine
Lipstick lighter
Monopoly 1
Fancy Drink Umbrella
Shoots Flaming Pellets
Soup crackers

This series began as a deliberate choice to slow down and pay closer attention to the everyday, the ordinary, and the often overlooked. And I quickly realized the beauty and intricate details of the mundane were right at my fingertips and in my own pockets.   




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